The best way to embed your medium articles on your website

Hershil Piplani
2 min readAug 5, 2022


Ever wondered if it is possible that all your medium blogs can be integrated into your personal website? Well here is an easy yet efficient way out of showcasing your articles.

Image by freepik

There are numerous ways to embed your blogs but after going through all the blogs here is my musing. Firstly, this method involves almost no code and it is very easy to understand. But before I begin, let me walk you all through what is happening once you implement that method.

RSS Feed

What is this strange heading, well RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

According to the web RSS feed is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

The solution is to create an embed that pulls out the RSS feed. Now the question arises that how should we create this embed. It’s pretty simple there is already an embed created by Chris John.

In your website’s HTML file simply add the following:

<div id=”retainable-rss-embed” 
data-readmore=”Read the rest”
data-buttonclass=”btn btn-primary”

in the footer add the following as well:

<script src=”"></script>

This will pull all your medium publications and align them into a list. Moreover, it will also inherit your website's CSS as well.

To get a better understanding here is the link to the documentation

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Hershil Piplani

An inquisitive person trying to create a measurable impact on the ecosystem through technology. Fan of oss and arsenal. 👉